Thursday, May 22, 2008

Writing Progress Report

Haven't had anything to report on this front in a while, but yesterday I completed a new scene I've been working on in snatches for the past few weeks! So far its only in my notebook, but when I read it to mom and dad they had a really solid reaction, and I'm quite pleased with it.

I've been discovering how helpful it can be to impose creative restrictions on myself. For this last round, I've forced myself not to touch a single page to make edits until I finished the scene I just completed. The manuscript is a little wacky now, since I haven't corrected some contradictions that have cropped up, but I made much better progress, and I'm more pleased with the result, than I have been on similar pieces where I've edited after I finished writing a draft.

Another good one that Zac gave me is to try and remove adjectives from my writing. A quick read after our conversations made it painfully obvious how much I rely on them without thinking about it, so it will be interesting to work that into the editing process.

So the new goal is to get this manuscript into a readable rough draft state, and the newly imposed restriction is to stick with the editing process until I get there, rather than poking at it haphazardly.

Little by little