Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I'm Not Crying

It seems I'm falling behind in my posting.

I've been alternating between lots of work and avoiding my work, but I should be reaching a major milestone today! We're almost finished with an introductory sample that we've been working on, to give people a chance to explore the format. Once that is done some of the short term pressure should be off, and I'm planning to actually take a day or two off sometime this week, God willing.

Anyway, I haven't had a whole lot of quirky thoughts or deep reflections lately, but I'll try to do better. In the meantime, I'll let this video do my entertaining for me. Just wanted to re-assure everyone after my last, "super serious" post that, I'm really Not Crying....I've just been cutting onions.

I'm making a lasagna.....for one.

(p.s. if you didn't get that quote please watch the video so you don't think I'm crazy)


brett tilford said...

Love It!

A Traveling Girl said...

where do you find these... still chuckling!