Saturday, September 6, 2008

Song: Summer Fields

Sometimes you're just stuck.

I hate being caught in situations where everything you could do has a downside, so your only really viable choice is just to...wait. Hope for change on its own. Be patient.

I know it's best, but it still sucks sometimes, that's all.

I'm driving mom and dad up to DC this afternoon, then taking my time driving home by way of Charlottesville, so I'm hoping some time to myself off of the hill will give me some time to think and pray. I feel like everything's been moving so quickly that I haven't had any time to slow down and just breath.

I've also decided to undertake a major room overhaul/organization run when I get home. My space is a total mess, since lately I've only really been home long enough to wash clothes and re-pack a suitcase. And as of yesterday, I have mucho-important business documents (hurray for progress!) that I need to create a filing system for.

So, at least I have lots to occupy myself with over the next few weeks. Perhaps October will look different than I expect.


American Folder Company said...

Nice article, but there is another way to buy file folders, pressboard folders and expanding filing pockets and that is direct from the manufacture. At AmericanFolder.Com we are now selling our manufactured filing supplies direct thus cutting out the big box retailers markup. So yes I agree that buying some office supplies from a large chain store is smart, but the real savings is when you find a manufacture that is selling direct. I invite you to go too our companies web site and see for yourself.

The Morrigan said...

I feel like that last noter may have missed the point of your post. *grins*

Email me, for I have much to tell you!

A Traveling Girl said...

is this a perfect example that "big brother" is watching?! What a great chuckle...