Monday, September 8, 2008

Autumn arrives

The leaves are starting to turn outside. We're heading into my favorite season again.

There's something so beautifully serene and sophisticated about the turning of the trees. The air gets crisper and you can smell the change hanging lightly like apples in the wind. Behind everything, there's a wry smile. I think the world knows that its dying, for a while, and it's showing everything off before the snows come. But there's little hints of the spring that's coming on the other side, fresh fruits and flowers, harvests and festivals. It's a wonderful time.

I love the smell of wet leaves on the ground.

I love the smell of apple cider and cinnamon bubbling on the stove.

I love the sounds of Thanksgiving dinner.

I wonder if our favorite seasons say something about who we are. I've always felt a little like Autumn. So here's a toast to another season turning, and to lots of wonderful people and memories to be thankful for this year. If anyone wants to share a mug of cider by the fire, you know where to find me.


brett tilford said...

I tip my hat to you sir. Wonderful post.

A Traveling Girl said...

wonder what it means that I'm a "Spring" kind of gal?

Mrs. Waldher said...

Justin, I enjoy reading your posts. They are always fresh, refreshing, and inviting. So thank you for posting and I look forward to reading more of your thoughts.