Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Further Progress

Two more names have been removed from my list of shame and added to my blogroll! Well done Blanche and Zac. The rest of you are still lame.

At the risk of being smacked, it looks like my subtle pressure is really working. I seem to be very influential ;-).

In other news, I've been settling into my month in Texas. I've been here for about 5 days, but it's all gone by in a crazy whirlwind. These Texans really do 4th of July hardcore. Lots of croquet, horseshoes, swimming, BBQ, and hanging out. Good times.

I'm settling into something that actually resembles a work rhythm today. I woke up at 8am and have been steadily checking things off my list and making really solid progress all day. It feels great to finally be productive again. It's also a weight off my mind to confirm that I really will have plenty of time to get work done. I was starting to get a little nervous there....


The Morrigan said...



Janelle said...
