Wednesday, December 10, 2008


5 seconds ago I just sent off the 5th and final DDQ Expedition, and it feels amazing! DDQ: The Journey is now content complete. After 10 months of learning curves and hard work, I'm actually almost dizzy with relief.

I still have another round of work to do polishing and refining the content, combining it into a single book, embedding DRM, cleaning up the website, etc. But today is the last day I'll ever work on the content of a new DDQ Expedition.

I'm already getting excited at the thought of working on new projects. I'll be taking the next few weeks to plan the first quarter of 2009, but I already have some ideas of what I'd like to start working on next. It feels like things are really starting to come together.

So, if you happen to see some crazy looking nutcase running around outside whooping and hollering and running in circles...I'll calm down eventually :)


The Morrigan said...