Friday, April 4, 2008

The Waiting

I haven't written a poem in years, but this one kind of came to me in the shower yesterday:

The Waiting is the one place
were nothing and no one
can make me taste anything I don't want to

Where I breath
in the smell of my soul
And run my fingertips along
the crests and dips of
my future self

It is a hairy gray gnome
Just short enough to ignore if I try
though he taps and raps at my knees.

Sometimes I slam on my headphones
with a scream.
But he just climbs up onto a barstool
and does handstands
While he looks me in the eye

The Waiting is a '5os bomb bunker
I built it in case of a
zombie attack

The funny thing is
I was so certain
that of all the frightened people
casting shadows in this world
I was the only one who knew how to find it

But when I switched on the light
I found my friend
Waiting for me
And because of the look of surprise on my face
or perhaps in spite of it

He smiled


Kimberly said...

It's good to know you're writing these days, Justin. And there were pieces of this poem that I really resonated with. Thanks for being willing to share it.

Janelle said...


I'm in it.