Friday, October 24, 2008

What a Beautiful Mess

I just finished recording a song!

My wonderful friend Blanche has been here visiting this week, and tonight we finally sat down to record some music together, which we've wanted to do for years.

It's really incredible the kind of quality you can get out of a mac running Garage Band, I was stunned. I mean, it's not perfect, but it sounds good enough that its easy to forget that we were just sitting in front of a laptop.

So, the only finished song we have right now is a cover of A Beautiful Mess by Jason Mraz, which also happened to be my favorite song from the night. The best part is that we recorded the whole song in our very first full take. As in, sit down, hit record, done. Blanche just learned this song a few days ago, and she just improvised this amazing harmony, because she's awesome like that.

Anyway, I'll stop ranting and just post the song for you. I'd love to know what you all think!


gabriel said...

Nice job guys! Sounds great! Did you just record a single track using a condenser mic?

My brother said that they (those in Nashville) tried all sorts of different recording techniques over the years... but more recently have decided that the only way to get "the bluegrass sound" was to have all the musicians stand around a mic. When someone needs to solo, they just step forward. Just like they did in the 20's. Just like 'Oh Brother Where Art Thou.'

I got a recording sound card about a year ago, and it's been a lot of fun. :-)