Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Highlights

Thanksgiving has come and gone. It's always been one of my favorite holidays, full of amazing food and lots of quality time with people I love. Some of my highlights from Thanksgiving 2008 are:

1) Working in the kitchen with mom and janelle. I actually really enjoy cooking. I like the Zen like process of peeling and chopping hundreds of carrots, sampling soups, conferring together about whether we should add more cranberries to the sauce. We always have music playing back in the kitchen. It's a great a excuse to hang out and chat for a few fun hours. And I may or may not have thrown some flour on janelle...

2) Lots of little kids running around. This year a lot of the friends celebrating with us had younger children, and it was so fun hearing happy laughter and crazy screams coming from upstairs or down the hall. I'm really looking forward to celebrating the holidays with a family of my own some day.

3) Lots of games! We played card games, board games, some chess, watched some movies, and just generally played together. I absolutely love having a bunch of friends around and no schedules to worry about.

4) Writing time with Zac. Well, I guess technically we were reviewing/discussing some of the stuff we've written recently, but it was probably my favorite 3 hours of the weekend. It's always great getting time to hang out with him.

5) Music! There was almost always someone singing, playing the guitar or piano, or something along those lines. I realized how much I miss singing with people.

Those are the things that jump out at me right now. I'm getting back into the flow of work and "normal life", but I've found myself smiling at a happy memory quite often over the past few days. Oh, and two days later we woke up to this:


Courtney said...

This sounds like it was a beautiful thanksgiving, my friend. Love the pictures--they really helped me to know what you were talking about more specifically :)