Monday, March 31, 2008

Writing Update

First draft of Chapter 1 is finished! It's not terribly long, around 5 pages, and it has a lot left to be done in terms of scene setting and atmosphere, but it's a really solid core that does a much better job of framing some of the major conflicts and introducing the main character.

But most importantly...I like it! And as I'm discovering (re-discovering?) these days, that's the most important thing at this stage.

If anyone would like to read it, I'd be happy to send it to you. Shoot me an email ( I'll warn you in advance though, in return I'll ask you to give me back some quick thoughts after you're done reading it.

On to Chapter 2!


A Traveling Girl said...

you know I am eager to read... send me the first version, I'm tracking with you.