Monday, February 15, 2010


Valentine's Day sucks

Ha, so there, I said it. The truth is, I would really like to be able to enjoy and appreciate the heart-shaped holiday, but current circumstances prevent that. So I am taking a tepid bath in the oily waters of bitterness (try fitting that on a conversation heart).

It is a rather strange holiday if you think about it. In my experience, Valentine's Day general falls into one of three categories:

1. You are already happily in a relationship with someone special. The holiday is, at best, a chance to re-affirm your affections. At worst, it is a mandatory check up to make sure the man can still remember important dates and plan ahead, lest he does not pass go nor collect $200.

2. You are solidly single. Valentine's Day reminds you of this, not just on the 14th, but the day or two before and generally the day after. You get to choose between proclaiming how happy you are in your singleness, or caving in and accepting the sympathy of your non-single friends. Expect one or two Pity-tine's from people you didn't want any from in the first place.

3. You are single, but kinda-maybe-sorta-on-the-verge-of-something-with-someone-maybe. Valentine's Day is an impossible puzzle of awkward. Gift? Card? Flowers? Chocolates? Too much? Too little? Good luck!

I hope everyone had a wonderful, love filled Valentine's Day! Or at know, watched a good movie or something.



Janelle said...

Valentine's Tips With Janelle:

When taking bitterness baths, forgo bath salts o' tears to minimize oiliness.

PS, I enjoyed the reduction of every healthy relationship to a game a Monopoly.

The Morrigan said...

JANELLE!!! Would you PLEASE write a new blog entry??? I miss your voice!!