Thursday, October 29, 2009


Holy crap I must be insane, but I'm actually going to do this:

30 days + 50k words + maintaining work and social life = very little sleep in November, I imagine. But that's great, cause I've never really liked November much anyway, so this gives me something to look forward to.

Thankfully, I already have a book well outlined. I guess it would technically be cheating to count the handful of pages I've already written, but I can just compensate for that by not adding those words to my word count total or something.

So, T-2 days and counting! I'll start stretching out my fingers...


The Morrigan said...

We will be insane together, my dear.

If you want, we could set up conference call writings, so that we can write and jabber at the same time!

JustinFike said...

Yes, brilliant idea! I will call and we will sort out details.