Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I've been doing a lot of freewriting exercises recently. I pulled the idea from Writing Down the Bones (there's an old post about it on here somewhere). The idea is to just put your pencil on the page and keep writing as quickly as you can, to practice loosening up and writing more genuinely. It's been a really fun exercise, and I'm actually liking some of the little pieces I end up with. So I've decided to start a mini-series on here of some of my favorites:


Something sleeps under the pavement of this city. It waits just behind the concrete walls. It isn't evil, any more than it is good, it just is, like a summer storm. It is the distant thunder that tells you that a riot of color and smells you might never see is happening just behind you, and if you turn fast enough, you just might catch it out of the corner of your eye.

There is just something more under everything, whispering little words to us as we walk to work. It is like dark sunlight.

It is why we write songs, and break boards, and ride horses. Because we know that there is more, and we all think secretly that if we write songs about breaking boards while we ride horses, well maybe then we would find it.

I often wonder if someday we will all wake up with shiny new car keys on our pillow. If the more will just be there, like ice on a winter morning.

We will all remember how to fly. We will race fire and eat clouds. We will tame unicorns and spend whole decades under the ocean.


The Morrigan said...




Anonymous said...

More. I want more! Looking forward to the mini-series.

A Traveling Girl said...

loved this... you should get away more often and wander city streets, drinking coffee, pondering...

Joel said...

What "The Morrigan" said.